Lip Fillers: What to Expect, Types, Benefits & Side Effects(10 Tips)

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What Is Lip Fillers?

Lip fillers are a non-surgical solution that enhances thin or asymmetrical lips, creating fuller, more defined lips. Typically using hyaluronic acid-based fillers, this treatment adds natural-looking volume and shapes your lips beautifully. It’s especially recommended for those with thin lips or downward-turned corners, as it improves overall lip contour and gives a fuller, more youthful appearance.

Lip Fillers

Treatment Detail

If you have this kind of skin problem, pay attention!

If you have thin lips, lack volume, or struggle with asymmetry, lip fillers can offer a quick and effective solution. Hyaluronic acid-based fillers not only add natural volume but also lift the corners of your mouth to create a subtle smile. This treatment is perfect for those who want to fix drooping corners or uneven lips, enhancing the lips’ appearance and boosting confidence. Fuller, smoother lips with fewer wrinkles will leave you looking fresh and youthful.

  • Concerned About Thin Lips?: Lip fillers can naturally plump up thin lips, making them look fuller.
  • Improve Lip Asymmetry: If your lips are uneven, this treatment creates a more balanced, symmetrical look.
  • Smooth Out Lip Wrinkles: Fillers can reduce vertical lip lines, giving you smoother, more youthful lips.
Lip Fillers

Key Benefits

The main benefit of lip fillers is improved volume and contour. The added volume brings definition and symmetry, and it also softens any asymmetry. By emphasizing your lips, this treatment brightens your overall appearance, making you look more vibrant. The elasticity of your lips is restored, leaving you with smooth, wrinkle-free lips that feel as good as they look

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Procedure Duration and Process

The lip filler procedure typically takes around 20 to 40 minutes. It begins with a numbing cream to minimize discomfort. After the treatment, a recovery period of about a week is recommended. During this time, the lips become softer, smoother, and the volume enhances to create a natural look. This quick, minimally invasive procedure is perfect for those with busy lifestyles

Treatment Frequency

Lip fillers are generally recommended once a year. The results peak around 1-2 weeks post-treatment as the filler fully integrates with the lips. Since fillers are gradually absorbed by the body, maintaining the volume and elasticity requires regular touch-ups.

Recommended for :

Lip fillers are ideal for anyone struggling with the shape or size of their lips. Whether you want to add subtle volume, fix asymmetry, or lift drooping corners, lip fillers can create natural, balanced results. This treatment is suitable for those with the following concerns

  • Thin Lips: Add volume to naturally thin lips, boosting your confidence.
  • Lip Asymmetry: Balance uneven lips to create a more harmonious appearance.
  • Desire for Fuller, More Defined Lips: Enhance your lips’ natural contour for a more pronounced look.
  • Wrinkles on the Lips: Smooth out vertical lip lines to achieve soft, wrinkle-free lips.
  • Drooping or Faded Lips: Lift the corners of your mouth for a refreshed, youthful smile.

Treatment Area

Lip fillers target not only the overall lip volume but also specific areas like the corners of the mouth, lip lines, and vertical wrinkles. Lifting the corners slightly can create a subtle smile effect, while carefully adding volume helps achieve natural, attractive lips. The treatment allows precise adjustments to ensure a balanced, harmonious result.

Post-Treatment Care

To ensure faster recovery and better results, follow these post-treatment guidelines:

  • Cleansing and Makeup: Avoid washing your face or applying makeup on the day of the treatment; you can resume both the next day.
  • Warmth and Dryness: You may feel some heat or dryness after the treatment; using a regeneration or moisturizing cream can help soothe these sensations.
  • Peeling: Some peeling may occur for 3-5 days post-treatment, but this will clear up within two weeks, so don’t worry.
  • Sun Protection: Always apply sunscreen after the treatment to protect your skin from UV damage.
  • Avoid Irritating Products: Refrain from using skincare products containing retinol or other strong ingredients for about a week.
  • Avoid Heat and Sweat: Steer clear of saunas, hot baths, and strenuous exercise for 1-3 days to allow your skin to recover properly.
  • Skip Exfoliants and Peels: Your skin will be more sensitive, so avoid exfoliating products or treatments like peels for a while.

Are There Any Side Effects?

After the treatment, minor side effects like redness or swelling may occur. These symptoms usually subside naturally within a few hours to days and do not significantly interfere with daily life. However, for those with sensitive skin, these effects may last longer, so it’s important to follow pre- and post-treatment care guidelines.

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Don’t worry! YeoTi offers a Side Effect Care Service. We provide compensation of up to 1 million KRW, helping you prepare for unexpected side effects. This is a special service by YeoTi that ensures customers can receive treatment with peace of mind.



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