Potenza EP.1: The Most Effective Treatment for Pores and Pigmentation

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What Is Potenza Treatment?

Potenza is a versatile multi-laser treatment designed to address a wide range of skin concerns. It uses different types of needle tips to customize treatment based on individual skin conditions. By inserting microneedles into the dermal layer of the skin and delivering radiofrequency energy, Potenza stimulates the production of new collagen. This process helps rejuvenate the skin, improve sebum control, and reduce the appearance of scars.


Potenza is especially effective for managing excessive oil production, minimizing acne scars, and refining pores. By directly targeting sebum, it reduces oily skin while helping to regenerate damaged skin, leaving it smoother and clearer.

Treatment Detail

When Should You Consider Potenza?

Potenza is ideal for those struggling with acne scars and uneven skin texture. If acne scars have lowered your confidence, Potenza’s regenerative effects can help. Excessive sebum production can lead to breakouts and enlarged pores, but Potenza directly controls sebum and tightens pores, leaving your skin as smooth as an eggshell. This treatment is recommended for individuals who need collagen stimulation and targeted care for pores and scars, offering a solution for various skin issues.

Key Benefits

Potenza is a customizable treatment that uses different needle tips to address various skin concerns. It stimulates collagen production and improves the dermal layer, with a particular focus on pore and scar management. If your skin has lost its elasticity or appears dull, this treatment can help you achieve a smoother and more radiant complexion.


Procedure Duration and Process

The Potenza treatment is relatively quick, typically taking about 30 to 60 minutes. Before the procedure, a numbing cream is applied to minimize discomfort. After the treatment, you’ll need about a week for recovery. As your skin stabilizes, results gradually begin to appear, with more noticeable effects visible after two days.

Treatment Frequency

For best results, it’s recommended to undergo Potenza treatments every 2 to 3 weeks, with at least three sessions. Consistent treatments will help your skin gradually improve. Over time, your skin will regenerate, pores and scars will diminish, and the overall texture will become smoother and healthier.

Recommended for :

Potenza is ideal for individuals with the following skin concerns.

  • Enlarged Pores and Scars: Great for those wanting to reduce acne scars and tighten enlarged pores.
  • Excessive Oil and Shine: If you struggle with oily skin, Potenza helps control sebum production and reduces shine.
  • Collagen Boost for Firmness: It stimulates deep collagen production, helping to restore skin elasticity.
  • Dull and Rough Skin: Potenza smooths and revitalizes your complexion, giving you a more radiant glow.
  • Overall Skin Improvement: Customized treatments can address a variety of skin concerns for healthier, more resilient skin.

Post-Treatment Care

To ensure faster recovery and better results, follow these post-treatment guidelines:

  • Cleansing and Makeup: Avoid washing your face or applying makeup on the day of the treatment; you can resume both the next day.
  • Warmth and Dryness: You may feel some heat or dryness after the treatment; using a regeneration or moisturizing cream can help soothe these sensations.
  • Peeling: Some peeling may occur for 3-5 days post-treatment, but this will clear up within two weeks, so don’t worry.
  • Sun Protection: Always apply sunscreen after the treatment to protect your skin from UV damage.
  • Avoid Irritating Products: Refrain from using skincare products containing retinol or other strong ingredients for about a week.
  • Avoid Heat and Sweat: Steer clear of saunas, hot baths, and strenuous exercise for 1-3 days to allow your skin to recover properly.
  • Skip Exfoliants and Peels: Your skin will be more sensitive, so avoid exfoliating products or treatments like peels for a while.

Are There Any Side Effects?

After the treatment, minor side effects like redness or swelling may occur. These symptoms usually subside naturally within a few hours to days and do not significantly interfere with daily life. However, for those with sensitive skin, these effects may last longer, so it’s important to follow pre- and post-treatment care guidelines.

“Side effects worry me! What if I experience side effects after getting treatment?”

Don’t worry! YeoTi offers a Side Effect Care Service. We provide compensation of up to 1 million KRW, helping you prepare for unexpected side effects. This is a special service by YeoTi that ensures customers can receive treatment with peace of mind.



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